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Our Cattle


Farm has Indian native breed of cows mostly zebu  breeds i.e; Gir,Kankrej and ongole. Gir cow has a medium to large size proportional body. Bulls weigh 550 to 650 kg and cows weigh 400 to 475 kg. The height of the cow is 1.30 m ​ Gir cattle is a famous dairy cattle breed originating in India. It is one of the principal Zebu or Bos indicus breeds in India, and has been used locally in the improvement of other breeds.

The native tract of Gir cattle is Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar. Which includes Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh and Rajkot districts of Gujarat. The breed derives its name from the Gir forest, which is the natural habitat of the breed


Kankrej cattle have short face, their forehead is broad and slightly dished in the center. Their nose looks slightly upturned. Their hump, forequarters and hindquarters are darker than the barrel, especially in the bulls. They have lyre-shaped strong horns.


Farm has Indian native  Gir and kankrej bulls.

Gir bull have large hump. The average bodyweight of Gir bull is about 545 kg .

They are Hardy, Friendly, Lovely, Loves Being with Humans.Gir animals have moderately developed dewlap: males have a large and pendulous sheath. The tail is long and whip like; hooves are black and medium-sized; hair is short and glossy; skin is loose and pliable; hipbones are prominent; the body is well proportioned; the udder in cows is well developed and round and teat tips are round.


Kankrej bulls have small feet which are round and durable. On average Kankrej bulls weight about 550-570 kg.They originated from the Kankrej Taluka of Banaskantha district in the state of Gujarat in India. And the breed gets it name from it’s home tract ‘Kankrej‘.

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